Sub Config - SubConfigDoc

The SubConfigDoc document is a configuration document that sits at the highest document level. Each of the child documents in a Configuration Document Collection reference the SubConfigDoc document.

The SubConfigDoc document provides an overview of the type and structure of data contained in the child documents, it also acts as a basic meta data container to describe the data stored by this document.

Field Data Type Required Default Description
id String Yes - Regno unique document identifier.
type Fixed String No SubConfigDoc Type of the document, resolved from fixed document types.
name String Yes - A free form string name for the data that this configuration holds.
description String No - A free form string description of the data that this configuration holds.
sourceType Fixed String No Data A fixed type description of the primary data held by this configuration. Valid options are: Configuration, Data, Experiment, Simulation, Run, Period, Session, Event, Day, Month, Year, Lap, Audio, Video. Valid Options are: Data, Configuration, Experiment, Simulation, Run, Period, Session, Event, Day, Month, Year, Lap, Audio, Video, Metrics
group String Yes - A free form string describing the group that this configuration belong to.
version Int32 Yes - A number representing the sequence number/version of the SubConfigDoc.
state Fixed String No Unknown A fixed type field that describes the last known state of the configuration document. Valied options are: Importing, Live, Historic, Invalid, Merging, Deleted. Valid Options are: Unknown, Importing, Live, Historic, Invalid, Merging, Deleted, Archive, Draft
startTime Int64 No - A 64-bit Long timestamp specifying start time of the data that this configuration holds. If this configuration holds no data, then the value represents the last modified time of the source document. The timestamp represents the number of nanoseconds since the reference time of midnight, 1st January 1970.
endTime Int64 No - A 64-bit Long timestamp specifying end time of the data that this configuration holds. If this configuration holds no data, then the value represents the last modified time of the source document. The timestamp represents the number of nanoseconds since the reference time of midnight, 1st January 1970
tags TagDoc[] No - An array of key/value pair free form string values. Used to store meta data related to the data stored by this configuration.