Data - ParamArrayValueDoc

The ParamArrayValueDoc document is a data document that contains the properties and a set of values for a single configuration parameter.

Field Data Type Required Default Description
configDocId String Yes - The unique identifier (id) of the ConfigDoc document that this document is associated with.
id String Yes - Regno unique document identifier.
type Fixed String No ParamArrayValueDoc Type of the document, resolved from fixed document types.
dataType Fixed String No Double Data type of the values in the document, used for serialization and deserialization. Valid Options are: Double, Long, Byte, Short, Float, Integer
sampleTimes Byte[] No - An array of compressed 64-bit Long values. Each value represents the timestamp value of the sample at the associated array index. The timestamp represents the number of nanoseconds since the reference time of midnight, 1st January 1970.
times Int64[] No - An array of long values. Each value represents the sample value at the associated array index. The type of the value is DataType
sampleValues Byte[] No - An array of compressed values. Each value represents the sample value at the associated array index. The type of the value is DataType
doubleValues Double[] No - An array of double values. Each value represents the sample value at the associated array index. The type of the value is DataType
byteValues Byte[] No - An array of double values. Each value represents the sample value at the associated array index. The type of the value is DataType
longValues Int64[] No - An array of double values. Each value represents the sample value at the associated array index. The type of the value is DataType
shortValues Int16[] No - An array of double values. Each value represents the sample value at the associated array index. The type of the value is DataType
integerValues Int32[] No - An array of double values. Each value represents the sample value at the associated array index. The type of the value is DataType
floatValues Single[] No - An array of double values. Each value represents the sample value at the associated array index. The type of the value is DataType
sampleCount Int64 Yes - A Long that holds the value for the number of samples in a document.
paramDefDocId String Yes - The unique identifier (id) of the ParamDefinitionDoc that holds the properties for the parameter associated with the data values stored in this document.
time Int64 No - A 64-bit Long timestamp value.